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implicit bias training for healthcare providers

Racial Health Equity & Implicit Bias Awareness Training for Healthcare Providers

Earn CEU/CME/CCM/ASWB credit for healthcare licensing

This Quality Interactions racial health equity and implicit bias course is designed to help doctors, nurses, mental health providers, social workers, and other health and wellness practitioners meet professional development goals and fulfill licensing requirements. 

Through video, animation, and interactive discussion questions, this course builds skills for mitigating bias, improving cross-cultural communication, and promoting equity in healthcare delivery.

This course is designed to meet state mandates for implicit bias training in Oregon, Maryland, Illinois, Massachusetts, California, Michigan, and any other state with cultural competency or implicit bias requirements for healthcare licensing. 

Racial Health Equity & Implicit Bias Training for Healthcare Providers
Course Overview

Course Overview

Advancing racial health equity & addressing bias

This racial health equity and implicit bias course fulfills state licensing requirements for implicit bias training for nurses, doctors, mental health providers, alternative healthcare providers, physical therapists, social workers, and more. The 1-hour training includes:

  • Information on the history and present nature of structural racism and implicit bias
  • Approaches to strengthen healthcare delivery to reduce disparities and improve outcomes
  • Strategies for self-identifying and addressing implicit bias
  • Pre- and post-tests to measure learning
  • Learners earn a certificate of completion and 1 CEU/CME/CCM/ASWB credit hour

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand complex definitions of race, racism, implicit bias, and health equity
  • Develop increased empathy for individuals who experience the negative impacts of structural racism
  • Identify ways to participate in larger efforts to accelerate racial health equity
  • Build skills for counteracting implicit bias in daily professional practice

Skills Gained

Cross-Cultural Communication

Cross-Cultural Communication

Decision Making

Decision Making

Racial health equity


Relationship Building

Trust Building

Learner feedback implicit bias training

Learner Feedback

Advancing Racial Health Equity & Addressing Bias

"I appreciated the historical and methodical walk through systemic racism and to know that it's not just about pointing the finger at me but rather a whole system of which I am a part."

"The material was valuable in my continuing racial and health equity learning journey."

"I think this was a helpful course - it moved quickly, contained important information, didn't belabor points, and provided a quick test of concepts."

"The activities were interesting and interactive. The information provided was backed by data and included a personal story which made it very real."

"The content moved at a good pace; the people delivering the content were clear and engaging; the personal story was compelling."

"The ALLY model is very tangible and provides specific ways to minimize implicit bias"

"Really helpful education in this area."

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Course features

RHE Ashley
Hosted by Ashley Oguadimma, President & COO of Quality Interactions.
Joseph Betancourt
Discussion of health disparities by renowned cultural competency expert Joseph Betancourt, MD, MPH.
RHE defining race
Interactive exercises for deep learning and retention.
rhe timeline
Historical overview of race and healthcare in America.
RHE personal narrative
Personal narrative from a real patient who experienced racial bias in healthcare.
RHE Ally
Practical and patient-centered model for overcoming implicit bias in patient interactions.
RHE post test
Pre- and post-tests to measure knowledge gains.
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How to Get Your CEU/CME Credit

Meet your state licensing requirements in just one hour with approved and accredited implicit bias training. Earn one CEU/CME/CCM/ASWB credit hour. 

Buy Course

Visit our online store to purchase your implicit bias course.

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Access Online

Log in to take your racial health equity & implicit bias course any time, on any device. Access never expires.

Get Certificate

Download your certificate of completion to claim your 1- hour CE credit (CME, CEU, CCM, or ASWB).

Includes 24/7 support

Count on our Massachusetts-based customer success team to assist you with any technical, billing, or certification questions you have about any Quality Interactions course.

Independent Learner

Earn Your CE Now

Visit our store to get immediate access to this course and earn 1 CME, CEU, CCM, or ASWB  credit applicable to healthcare licensing.  

Empowering healthcare professionals to provide equitable care through cultural competence and bias awareness
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