We recently updated our Implicit Bias course, "Recognizing and Responding to Implicit Bias." The new version is more engaging, interactive, and packed with the latest research on implicit bias. (The course is available for individual purchase in our store, or you can request a demo for your organization.)
The newly updated Implicit Bias course features a case vignette in which Adrienne, a customer service rep for a health plan, identifies an implicit bias she holds when speaking on the phone with a member who has a strong accent. Adrienne realizes she perceives people with strong accents to be less reliable than people without accents.
One step Adrienne takes to counteract this bias is to listen to a LatinX podcast. Incorporating diverse cultural voices into your day is a great way to respond to biases and develop greater understanding for perspectives that differ from your own lived experience.
10 Culturally Diverse Podcasts
Inspired by Adrienne, here are 10 podcasts we recommend to help you welcome diverse voices, perspectives, ideas, and experiences into your life. They're listed in no particular order.
(These podcasts can all be found wherever you listen to podcasts, including Apple and Spotify.)
1) Anything for Selena
Available in both English and Spanish versions, Anything for Selena is about the Mexican-American recording artist Selena Quintanilla, who was shot and killed in 1995. This podcast is reported and narrated by Maria Garcia, a fan of Selena's who was only nine years old when Selena died. It explores themes of Latino cultural identity and what it means to belong in America.
2) Still Processing
Co-hosted by Wesley Morris and Jenna Wortham, who identify as Black and queer, Still Processing is a pop-culture podcast from The New York Times that covers books, TV, movies, music and also work and internet culture. Topics range from Fiona Apple to the N-word.
3) Code Switch
A podcast about race from NPR, Code Switch is hosted by journalists of color and explores how race impacts every aspect of society, including politics, education, food, and popular culture. Recent episodes cover fatherhood, figure skating, therapy, and dance.
4) The Trojan Horse Affair
The Trojan Horse Affair centers on the real-life events that occur after a city councilor in Birmingham, England, receives a letter outlining an alleged conspiracy by Islamic extremists to infiltrate the country's schools. Inflamed by anti-Islamic bias, a national panic ensues, and protective policies are quickly enacted. But was there ever any real evidence of a plot?
5) 1619
An audio version of the 1619 Project from The New York Times, the 1619 podcast is a short series detailing "the long shadow of slavery." The podcast's five episodes center on the impact of slavery on democracy, the economy, music, healthcare, and land ownership.
6) Asian Enough
From the LA Times, Asian Enough is about being Asian in America. Hosted by reporters Jen Yamato, Johana Bhuiyan, Tracy Brown and Suhauna Hussain, this podcast tries to expand how "Asian" is defined by exploring the many cultures, backgrounds, and generational differences that contribute to Asian identity. Guests include Kamala Harris, Sandra Oh, and Anthony Ocampo.
7) Included: The Disability Equity Podcast
From Johns Hopkins University Disability Research Center, Included is a comprehensive podcast that aims to challenge stereotypes of disabilities with data, stories, and new insights. In addition to topics like education, economics, political advocacy, and social equity, several episodes center on healthcare.
8) America's Dreamers
America's Dreamers, hosted by Emmy-awarding winning news producer and DACA recipient America Arias, shares stories about DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) recipients who are making inspiring contributions in their professional fields. Guests include Olympian athletes, actors, writers, scientists, and more.
9) Driving the Green Book
Driving the Green Book follows the journey of the BBC's Alvin Hall and activist Janée Woods Weber as they drive from Detroit to New Orleans collecting personal narratives about how Black Americans used the historic guide The Negro Motorist Green Book to travel safely during segregation. This podcast sheds light on the past and present dangers of being Black in America—as well as the reslience and solidarity of the Black community.
10) Las Culturistas
Las Culturistas is a laugh-out-loud pop-culture and comedy podcast hosted by "culture consultants" Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang (of SNL). The podcast focuses on the LGBTQ community as well as mainstream culture. Guest interviews explore formative cultural experiences and issues of identity and belonging.
Share your favorites!
What culturally diverse podcasts do you listen to? Did we list your favorite, or did we miss it? Share your thoughts in the comments below.