ACAP is proud to partner with Quality Interactions to provide online learning in unconscious bias and cultural competency training for Safety Net Health Plans. Now you can benefit from online course packages developed exclusively for ACAP members.
The ACAP course packages include accredited, interactive eLearning suitable for all employees. Quality Interactions' proven training will help your organization achieve meaningful results by reducing unconscious bias, and improving customer experience among the people you serve.
Take the first step by requesting an ACAP-endorsed course package for your organization.
Quality Interactions is a certified Minority Business Enterprise and pioneer in the field of cultural competency training. Exclusively dedicated to the healthcare industry, Quality Interactions provides rigorous solutions to reduce unconscious bias and improve cross-cultural communication in healthcare. Quality Interactions has trained over 165,000 healthcare professionals at the country’s top health plans, hospitals, and medical schools.
Quality Interactions offers effective and engaging online courses packed with real-world case studies and interactive features.
Developed by physicians and experts in cultural competency, Quality Interactions' blended learning approach is science-based and tested in the field.
Count on significant results across your organization using the healthcare industry's best solution to reduce unconscious bias.
We know that Safety Net Health Plans value training around cultural competency and unconscious bias for their employees. ACAP is pleased to be partnering with Quality Interactions as a Preferred Vendor to provide those services to our members.
Margaret A. Murray, ACAP CEO
No one is exempt from bias. Despite best intentions, the human brain is wired to come to automatic conclusions that are often based on stereotypes. This interactive course disarms learners by teaching the cognitive basis for unconscious bias, and provides actionable strategies that are applied to three case studies.
What is culture and cultural competency, and why does it matter in healthcare? This course helps learners make the connection between culture, everyday professional interactions, and health outcomes. Lessons focus on how to show respect for diversity, communicate clearly, and resolve differences by engaging the individual.
Customize your ACAP package with content in topics like: caring for the Medicare population, improving adherence in diverse populations, disability awareness, and LGBTQ population health. We also provide simulated interactions that allow learners to "test their skills" on real cases, based on their professional roles.
Quality Interactions has partnered with ACAP to provide cost-effective training tailored to Safety Net Health Plan members. To customize your course package and learn pricing options, please fill out this form or call 866-568-9918. Consult with an expert in organizational cultural competency and get a personal demonstration of ACAP-endorsed solutions.